Monday, April 25, 2011

Bunco Update!

We had our second team meeting to finalize the plans for our bunco fundraiser which is happening on Friday May 13, 2011.  If you have 4x4 card tables we could use them the night of May 13.  Please join us for a fun night of dinner, bunco, drinks, and raffles!

Bring extra donations! 

And remember, your donations are tax deductible!

See our events page for more information.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Our Bunco Tournament is Friday May 13, 2011

The Masonic Temple at 3736 S Sheridan Street.

Join us at 6 pm for dinner, game play starts at 7:15.

$30 for dinner and Bunco, $35 with drinks.

Plus you'll have the chance to win great baskets in our raffle, name our gnome, and bring some extra donations for our dessert auction.

All proceeds will go directly to our MS Bike team as we work to raise $10,000 for the MS Society.